
Hysabafa microgreens from Seed to harvest The difference in our indoor grown
and harvested produce is in our dedication to transparency and quality. Each bunch of microgreens can be traced back to the seed and is harvested and delivered within days–not weeks.

Microgreens are vegetable greens (not to be confused with sprouts or shoots) harvested just after the cotyledon leaves have developed (and possibly, with one set of true leaves). They are used as a nutrition supplement, a visual enhancement, and a flavor and texture enhancement. Microgreens can add sweetness and spiciness to foods
Microgreens are packed with nutrients.

While their nutrient contents vary slightly, most varieties tend to be rich in potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium and copper.

Microgreens are also a great source of beneficial plant compounds like antioxidants.

What’s more, their nutrient content is concentrated, which means that they often contain higher vitamin, mineral and antioxidant levels than the same quantity of mature greens.

In fact, research comparing microgreens to more mature greens reports that nutrient levels in microgreens can be up to nine times higher than those found in mature greens .

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